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All former and current members of SASR (both members and non-members of the ASASA), their spouses, families and friends, are warmly welcome at these ANZAC Day activities:

0545 Dawn Service
0830 ANZAC Day March
0945 SASR Commemorative Service (at SASR Tree)
1100 Drinks at Transport Hotel (Federation Square)
1200 SASR Reunion at The Kelvin Club

Please see below for more details and timings.

Please take the “Dress:” provided for each of the activities below as a guide only. Please wear what you are comfortable wearing.

Wishing you all a memorable Anzac Day. Lest we forget.


Dawn Service

ASASA (VIC) does not have a dedicated Dawn Service. However, former and current members of SASR, and their immediate families, are very welcome to attend the Dawn Service at 2 Commando Company in Williamstown.


All former and current members of SASR, and their immediate families.

Indicative timings:

0500  Gates open (pedestrian)
0520  Gunfire Breakfast
0555  Gates Close
0610  Catafalque Party Marches On
0615  Service Commences
0655  Service Concludes
0700  Breakfast
0730  Social Activities Begin In Mess


Medals, suits, pants with jacket/blazer, dresses/skirts with jacket/blazer, tie (optional), beret (optional).
No sports wear, thongs or sandals. 

Wearing Medals on Commemorative Occasions

For those that are wondering, the Return from Active Service badge isn’t worn with medals, and only one Meritorious Unit Citation is to be worn if you have multiple awarded.


2 Commando Company
Fort Gellibrand
59 Morris Street
Williamstown VIC 3016


Park in the streets external to the base and walk in.


ANZAC Day March


Marching: All former and current members of SASR. Families representing deceased members of SASR.

Spectating: Families and friends are warmly welcome.


0800 Meet at Collins Street West (western side of Collins and Swanston Streets, in vicinity of Dymocks).
0830  Form up time
0900  Step Off
0940  March concludes at the Shrine


Marching: Berets, medals, suit, pants with jacket/blazer, dresses/skirts with jacket/blazer, tie (optional).
No denim, t-shirts, shorts, sports wear, thongs or sandals please. 

Spectating: Neat casual.


Start:  Collins Street West (Western side of the intersection of Collins and Swanston Streets. Meet in vicinity of Dymocks)
Finish:  Shrine of Remembrance, Birdwood Avenue, Melbourne VIC 3001


SASR Commemorative Service


All former and current members of SASR, their families and friends.


0945  Meet and greet
1000  Service commences
1030  Service concludes.
1100  Maxi Taxi (for those with limited mobility) departing from corner of Domain Road and Dallas Brooks Drive to Kelvin Club.


Berets, medals, suit, pants with jacket/blazer, dresses/skirts with jacket/blazer, smart jeans, collared shirts, blouses, tie (optional).
No sports wear, thongs or sandals please.


“SASR Tree”
Grassed area near the Macpherson Robertson Fountain
100m to the southwest of the Shrine of Remembrance|
Birdwood Avenue, Melbourne VIC 3001

SAS Tree, Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne

SASR Tree is at the orange cone on the map.


Drinks at Transport Hotel

There will be limited food available at the Kelvin Club so you may like to get food during this time.


All former and current members of SASR, their families and friends.


Drop by for a drink between the SASR Commemoration Service and moving to the Kelvin Club


Neat casual. Medals (optional), suit, jackets, blazers, sweaters, pants, smart jeans, dresses, skirts, collared shirts, blouses.
No thongs or sandals.


Ground Floor
Transport Hotel
Federation Square
Melbourne VIC 3000


SASR Reunion at The Kelvin Club

There will be limited food available at the Kelvin Club.


All former and current members of SASR, their families and friends.


1200  Doors open
1700  Doors closed


The Kelvin Club
14 Melbourne Place (near the corner of Russel and Bourke Streets)
Melbourne VIC 3000


Medals (optional), suits, jackets, blazers, sweaters, pants, smart jeans (preferred with jacket/blazer), dresses, skirts, collared shirts, blouses.
No sports wear, thongs or sandals.


Interstate members of the ASASA are welcome too. If you would like to attend please contact the ASASA (VIC) President:  president@asasa-vic.org.au


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