ASASA National Constitution Amendments

Consultation and Reform Process

Background. This rewriting of the ASASA Constitution has been years in the making and has been subject to exhaustive negotiation over more than five years.

First Round of Consultation. The main principles contained in the proposed new Constitution were debated and decided upon at the November 2023 ASASA National AGM in Canberra, with decisions unanimously agreed by all State Branch Presidents and recorded in the Minutes. The Chairman was instructed to seek legal advice and return with the draft new document, now enclosed. These processes in 2023 were effectively the first round of consultation.

Second Round Consultation. This correspondence kicks off the second round of consultation open until Friday 2 August 2024 and requests informal feedback. State Branch Presidents are requested to distribute the draft widely amongst the membership. Branch feedback should be collated locally and provided to the Chairman directly by the Branch Presidents on the due date. The Chairman will consider any proposed amendments and consult with Branch Presidents. If necessary, an impromptu online General Meeting will be called on Tuesday 6th August at 430pm CST. Branch Presidents should save the date. Agreed amendments to the Consultation Draft will be sent to legal counsel for redrafting and preparation for the third round of consultation.

 Third Round of Consultation. The amended Draft Consultation will be sent out with AGM papers by Friday 9th August for further consultation with members within State Branches. If necessary, a further online General Meeting will be held in on Monday 19th August at 430pm CST until the final Draft Constitution is agreed to. Executive Members please save the date.

Adoption. At the ASASA AGM on 9th September the new Constitution will be put to the meeting for adoption. If agreed to, the Constitution will then be registered with ASIC and theACNC. The AGM will be asked to vote that once this has been done; the present constitutionbe terminated

Constitution Reform ASASA Consultation Draft

Please review the draft of the proposed new constitution and then vote to approve / not to approve the new constitution.

You must be a financial member to vote.

If you have any questions, please contact or

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I approve the proposed the new constitution: *

This is the consultation Constitution for a Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee.

ASASA National Constitution 2010

This is the current ASASA National Constitution approved in 2010.

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